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"…William Pint and Felicia Dale elevate the humble sea chanty to unexpected heights."**


Mid Atlantic Region Spring 2013

We are very pleased to announce that, at long, long last, our new CD, Blue Divide, is now in our hot little hands and available for yours!


Blue Divide, like our previous recordings, is a collection of traditional and non-traditional nautically themed music with vocals, instruments, unique arrangements, lots of harmony etc, etc. Blue Divide CD Cover

What's different this time around is largely due to our friend Patrick Strole, who acted as the album's producer and helped bring to reality the 'big sound' we often hear in our heads when we're playing our songs. Patrick's talent for arrangement, his studio smarts, musical sensibilities (he even added a few tasteful electric guitar riffs) and tremendous energy truly helped make this an incredibly fun and satisfying musical adventure for all of us.


Some amazingly talented musicians signed on to the project: TJ Morris playing drums, Dan Mohler on bass and Jay Kenney on keyboards to support our usual acoustic guitar, hurdy-gurdy, fiddle, whistle and octave mandolin. Our long time friend and musical collaborator, Tania Opland makes an appearance on violin for a couple of tracks, as well as vocalist Sue Tinney, who adds some lovely harmonies to the mix.


We feel that we managed to remain true to the spirit of the traditional music we love while creating a contemporary context that matches the energy and enthusiasm we always try to bring our material in performances. 


The Tracks:


Whiskey is the Life of Man

The Brigantine

Shanghai Passage

Low Lands

Mother Carey

The Anchor Song

High Ground

Rolling Down the Bay to Julianna

Windy Weather



This collection will be available through several sources, CD Baby, Waterbug Records, etc. -- at the moment, the easiest way of getting one is by clicking this  Band Campwebsite link. The set price is for a minimum of $15.00 plus a small postage fee. If anyone wishes to contribute more than the minimum, the site allows for additional contributions. Thanks! 


What's New?

Help support our musicBeing full time folk musicians you can rest assured that we often find ourselves with far more music in our hearts than dollars in our wallet. It has been pointed out that some people out there are in just the opposite situation. If anyone feels moved to make a financial donation to help us continue making this music, that donation, be it large or small, will be gratefully accepted.
Simply click the donation jar picture on the left to take you to a PayPal donation form.

Thanks very much.

Many thanks to Phil A. for breaking the ice!


We're on YouTube!








**Dirty Linen Editor's Choice Sampler CD.

We're very pleased to have had Go From My Window from The Set of the Sail selected for inclusion in America's number one Folk and World Music magazine Dirty Linen's special sampler CD alongside such wonderful musical dignitaries as Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Blowzabella, and The Battlefield Band to name but a few. We're pleased to be in such good company.

They were kind enough to provide us with yet another lovely quote:

"…William Pint and Felicia Dale elevate the humble sea chanty to unexpected heights."

The CDs are being sent to all Dirty Linen Subscribers.


New CDs!

A New Les Barker CD with... US!

We were oddly pleased to get an invitation from the decidedly insane poet Les Barker to record a version of Sensodyne, his parody of the classic traditional song, Reynardine for his new Mrs Ackroyd Band CD, Dark Side of the Mongrel. We're in very good company there including such folk legends as June Tabor, Jez Lowe, John Tams, Coope, Boyes & Simpson, Australia's Cloudstreet and Artisan's Hilary Spencer. You can find more than you probably need to know about Les and his poetry at: http://www.mrsackroyd.com/

A New Pirate CD -- for a great cause

Pirates for the Preservation of New Orleans Music (PPNOM.org) and ModernBard.org are pleased to announce the release of the first of a two CD release, Lafitte's Return - Volume 1.

Lafitte's Return may be purchased at http://kunaki.com/sales.asp?PID=PX00BWWNNP

Lafitte's Return is a who's who of the top names in pirate and maritime entertainment including yours truly (playing High Barbaree), Skip Henderson & the Starboard Watch, the Pyrates Royale, Tom Lewis and many others who volunteered their music to this project.

The proceeds from this CD benefit the New Orleans school music programs. PPNOM is dedicated to replacing the musical instruments destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, especially now when spending on New Orleans music programs is at an all time low. By purchasing Lafitte's Return for yourself (or as a gift for that pirate lover in your life) you are helping the pirate community ensure that the musical soul of New Orleans lives on for generations to come.

With the largest gathering of seadogs since Morgan sacked Panama, Lafitte's Return (along with its soon to be released companion album) covers a wide range of styles from traditional shanties, to pirate ska and pirate metal.
There is something for everyone on this CD.

My Space

We now have a page on MySpace.com -- with a few mp3 song files. Check it out by clicking here . You will find sample mp3 songs, pictures, a blog, calendar of upcoming gigs, links to many of our musical friends, and comments from listeners.

Folkworks Article

Check out this article about us and our music in the Southern California Folk publication FolkWorks written by Audrey Coleman. Click Here!


A new way to order CDs
We have signed up with PayPal, a safe and easy way to purchase items online. With Paypal you can also send money to anyone with an e mail address.
Click here to go to our PayPal Ordering Page

In Print!
Click here to read about Felicia's published short stories and a major novel featuring quotes from many of our songs.

What is that strange instrument?
Since you asked - The unusual (some might say bizarre)device Felicia plays is a hurdy-gurdy --an instrument that dates back to at least the 12th Century. It may sound a bit like the bagpipes but is actually a type of mechanical violin. The crank on the end rotates a wooden wheel which causes the strings to vibrate. Keys press the melody strings to sound different notes while other strings play drone notes. Controversy remains over it today. Was it developed first for music or as an instrument of torture? Follow the links on our Folk Friends page and learn more about these mysterious music makers.


Check out our upcoming performance calendar -- we may be coming to the proverbial theater (festival,folk club) near you.

Lyrics to all our recordings can still be found by following the “Recordings”links. If you would like ALL the lyrics in one text file sent to you - please drop us a line via e mail and we will send it along. If you are looking for the words to a particular song, try following this new link to our “list of recorded songs.”

“Reviews” will take you to published reviews of our recordings as well as “letters from our wonderful listeners”.

Our “Folkfriends”page will lead you to webpages of some of our musician friends as well as links to other interesting or amusing spots.

Drop us a note via e mail at PINTnDALE"at"pintndale.com.