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Dear William and Felicia...
Listeners Respond
We love getting feedback about concerts and recordings.
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While we value magazine and newspaper reviews, the reviews that mean the most to us come from members of our audiences.
The following comments come from letters, cards, notes and e mail from listeners responding to albums or live concerts.
We thank you one and all!

William and Felicia,

Just a note to let you know how much I've been enjoying your music since I first heard you at Folklife last May. I immediately got "Set of the Sail" and "Hearts of Gold," and they have been a big part of the last several months. I also took my family and a friend of my daughters to your July gig at The Wayward Coffeehouse. I had just had shoulder surgery and you guys were just getting over colds, so we didn't hang out, but I hope to see you again this December, and maybe say "thanks for your music" in person.

I'm a huge folk fan, starting in the 50's and in and out over the years. I'm a high school teacher and retired actor, and knew David Lovine from the Oregon Shakespearean Festival. When I moved back to Seattle from LA in the early 90's I re-connected with David when he was crew on the Lady Washington. David introduced me to the Northwest Pavilion, and I've tried to spend a couple of days there each year. I missed a good chunk of time when my son was playing baseball, but I'm pretty regular now. I still can't believe that I had not heard you before. I have had the "Victory at Sea" album for a number of years, and, while the specific songs are not credited, I believe, William, that you sang the solo on "Northwest Passage?" During my 30 minute duty-free lunch, I would sometimes lock the door, lean back in my chair and listen to "Northwest Passage" over and over.

As I'm sure others have said, Felicia, the two of you have the cleanest, most seamless unison. On "Go from my Window" in particular,it is imposable to tell where one voice ends and the and the other begins. I'm quite taken with the big heroic songs, "Trawling Trade," and "The Dreadnought." The Hurdy-gurdy seems to be taking on a life of its own as a folk-rock "guitar hero." Although I find many of your quieter pieces are equally captivating: "The rolling Wave/Homeward Bound" is truly beautiful and "Companioned by the Sea" got me seriously consider retiring on the coast.

I'm going to turn in now, but I do hope to see you on the 20th.

Very Truly Yours,

Jeff Woolf

Dear William and Felicia-

Just a brief note to say how much Steph and I enjoyed your evening at Bodmin Folk Club last Friday .. and also how much I did again at the Wotter evening! Great performers folks!

I have just come across your website and found the various links, so I just thought I'd let you know how much both folk clubs enjoyed you. There were five of us from the local shanty crew "Hanging Johnny" there at Wotter and I think all of us enjoyed your different style! Did us all good to hear a completely new approach to sea songs.

Hope the work with the Brian Bedford Band goes well!

Best Wishes,

Roger Smith

Dear William and Felicia-

I am over-20 years in the US Coast Guard, a BOS'N and sailor still practicing the fine old arts of navigation, an explorer and sea captain stuck in the wrong century. I love all things old - sea shanties, nautical lore and legend and naval history. Your music is moving. Your voices bring visions of seafaring glory days when boats were wood and men were steel.
"The Mary Stanford of Rye" pays due homage to the [steely] men and women of the NRLI, who carry on the long tradition of sacrifice and selfless service.
Thank you and CARRY ON!

M. C. Ward
Commanding Officer
US Coast Guard Station Port Canaveral
"An Eagerness to Serve"

Dear William and Felicia,

Thanks so very much for visiting us here in Dana Point and bringing your special music of the soul to our salty ears! Sea shanties will never be the same - just rough sketches compared with the paintings you both elicited through your magnificent music this weekend. I have lived in Devonshire, England most of my life and am a recent transplant to the US (just 19 years ago!). Now I know what I have been missing so terribly - the culture of folk music and the sea music that I heard as a child and more in my home town of Plymouth! I have been thrilling to the sounds on your CDs, but nothing compares to hearing you and seeing you in live concert. You are amazingly rich in the warm subtle tones of the French language and in the language of the ocean too. That comes across well in your CDs but it bursts into life when hearing you on stage! Thank you so much for creating such a terrific new sound and vitality....

Blessings to you both and I shall look eagerly for an opportunity to hear you both again in concert,

Sincerely yours,


Lindsey Philpott
Manager, Volunteer Support Services
Ocean Institute, Dana Point, CA

"...I live in Sun Valley, Idaho, and was in Seattle last week to see a play that my son and daughter in law were doing. On Saturday, we went down to the Tall Ships Festival. The lines to board any of the ships were hours long in the hot sun, but my ears caught wind of my kind of music.

We gravitated toward the music, and there we stayed... had no desire to board a ship. Just to look at them from below and listen to your awesome maritime ditties was more thrill than I can tell you. You were great when it was just the two of you and equally as great when joined by the other couple. I came home with 2 of your CDs (White Horses & Hearts of Gold). I was not at all disappointed. I can't tell you which one I love more... both very good. Love the album cover of Hearts of Gold and the nice photo of the two of you on the back... well done!

I do hope I have the opportunity of seeing you perform live again. You are wonderful musicians... the highlight of my trip to Seattle (well, aside from the play, of course)."

Thanks & best wishes,

Kathy Jones
Sun Valley, Idaho

"...I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much my wife and I enjoyed your
concert at Living Traditions in Anaheim on January 20th. I can honestly say
I have not enjoyed an evening of music that much in a very long time

Hearts of Gold is living in my CD player right now, I give it some rest by listening to Hartwell Horn or Port of Dreams. I have not opened the other two yet, but that's okay, there's plenty of time. The two of you have done a truly lovely job with this music...

...Well, once again, thank you for a wonderful concert."

JP Andrews
Anaheim, California

“Dear William and Felicia:

I just wanted to write this letter to say how much I appreciated your music. My wife and I will be sailing from Cape Town, South Africa, to Miami in a few months. It is a long trip and I started looking for some nautical music for diversion on the trip.

I found your music along with a number of others on the Wooden Ships internet site. I must say that yours hands-down is the best. Your choice of music arrangements, performance, and accompaniment is without peer as far as nautical music…”

Tom and Betty Lee Walker, M.D.
Mobile, Alabama

“Seriously, you were awesome! I don’t know if you met my friend Tom who lives in Santa Fe, but he is one of the most jaded music listeners I know (we call him “the guy who hates more bands than most people have heard of”), anyway, after I got you dialed in, I went to the back of the room to see how it sounded and Tom turns to me and just says, “Oh my God!” He was so blown away by you two (as was I.) I’ve never heard a duo sound so huge, even w/ that cheesey little sound system you sounded like 10 people, (12 when your friend joined in.) I have to confess I had not heard your music yet before your performance, and I was so impressed, after forty top notch performances, it was you guys, JPP and Vasen that stuck in my mind.

Anyway, I would love to have you do something here in the store when you’re out this way (in-store performance, vocal and/or instrumental workshops, anything else you have in mind-just name it.) Do you get out this way much? Please send me your touring schedules & I’ll come see you if you’re within a few hours drive, & I’ll tell friends and family to go see you elsewhere.

Thanks again for playing”

Mike Cutler
Special Events Coordinator
Elderly Instruments
Lansing, MI

Thanks for the speedy delivery of "White Horses"--complete with dual autographs! That was an unexpected treat.

I really never thought I could enjoy any Pint and Dale album as much as I enjoy "Port of Dreams," but "White Horses" changed my mind. And given how I feel about "Port of Dreams," that's saying a LOT! "White Horses" is a terrific piece of work. Congratulations and thanks for all the fine music.


Bill Collins
Newark, DE

“Pint & Dale -

I saw you play at the Bristol Renaissance Faire last weekend and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the music. The songs were wonderful (I bought Hearts of Gold and it’s been in my CD player for a few days now) but what I liked most of all was the feeling that they evoked. There’s something about traditional music that makes it speak to the spirit in a way that other types of music just can’t equal - for me at least! Maybe it’s the human element; even if someone has never been on a tall ship, they have likely still felt the emotions that are captured in the songs. The desire for adventure, or the longing for home - we’ve all felt that! (And perhaps travelling folk singers know that better than anyone…!) Thank you for the music! I'm looking forward to listening again, at Bristol or elsewhere.

Ben Haines”

“Dear William and Felicia,

As I sit here typing this, I am listening to your CD “Round the Corner” which I almost shoplifted from Down Home Music in El Cerrito just above San Francisco so anxious was I to get it home. … One of these days, I’m going to catch you guys in concert and tell you face to faces how much I’ve enjoyed your music. Until then, I’m delighted to have the new CD, and I hope you’re working on another one. I’m an actor dividing my time between the Bay Area where my wife and I actually live and Los Angeles where there are more jobs, and if you ever find yourself in nothern California with time on your hands, please give me a call… I’d very much like to buy you a beer or coffee or whatever. ...For now, thank you for so much wonderful music, and I look forward to meeting you sometime in the near future.”


Matt Henerson

“…It was great to hear you perform a few weeks ago down in the South Bay Area. I had driven down from Alameda, right near Oakland, a distance of about 65 miles. I’d drive twice that distance to hear you perform again.…”


Dan Reilly

“…It was a pleasure to find you at the Great River Festival in La Crosse, Wisconsin this past weekend! Your concert Sunday evening was wonderful. Your voices blend so beautifully and seem to suit your tunes so well. You sing in such warm and friendly tones, the gentle songs are so comforting.

I tried to tell you that though I don’t typically listen to traditional nautical music very often, I do enjoy them occasionally, especially “live” at festivals where I can watch as well as listen. I bought “Hearts of Gold” because you seem to give the music a special sense of warmth & familiarity…

What I enjoyed most of all, is the spark & twinkle in your eyes and the way your faces simply light up when you perform. It is so good to see people taking such pleasure in their work! I guess happines can be contagious - you seem to lift one’s spirits. You made me feel good. Thanks!…”

Best wishes,

Mary Ann O’Reilley

“I truly enjoyed hearing you play at the Renaissance Festival in Stafford...

I derive an immense amount of pleasure from your recorded work. I have all 6 of your cds. What appeals to me most are the vocals and the song selection. I have heard very few of these songs anywhere else. I also like the effect of the hurdy-gurdy and the different sound it adds.

I felt that William’s routine of pretending to refer to his guitar as the unusual instrument funny. There was a little variety each time he did it and it was amusing each time. Overall your energy and enthusiasm were consistent and engaging.

Thanks for the music!”

David Cox
King George, VA

“Dear Bill (?) and Felicia,

A friend of mine gave me your tape, “Hearts of Gold” for Christmas, and I REALLY like it! I'd like to hear you perform live, if at all possible. I periodically volunteer for the New Folk Collective here in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and I'll do some name-dropping there, but I would also like to know if you're booked at any music festivals this summer.

…If you are, please let me know as soon as possible (have to reserve vacation time at work!) ...

Thanks for the wonderful tunes, and I hope all goes well for you!”


Maureen Korlath

“We really enjoyed you in concert here in Spokane last Christmas. I felt you stole the show with your joyful music. I bought your CDs at the concert and we have played them until they are almost worn out. Now that I found your web site, I plan to buy the two recordings we do not have. Will you ever be playing Spokane again? We hope so. I have asked the owner of Street Music and have also written to the Public Radio Station pleading them to have just you two come and give a concert! Thank you for keeping folk music alive and well…
…Please do put us on your mailing list. We can drive anywhere in WA to go to your concerts. Also we are planning our vacation around your concert in San Francisco. We are both from the bay area. We will be looking forward to your new CD.”


Linda and Michael Foster

“…It’s my pleasure to thank you on behalf of Kent Parks & Recreation and the Kent Arts Commission for being a part of the Kent Summer Concert Series.

I love your music! You are both so talented, and the music you create together is truly magical. Even though our audience was smaller than I had hoped for, I heard more positive comments about your performance than any other Thursday concert. People really enjoyed it.

It's really a pleasure to host such fine musicians in our community, and you two are a treat to work with.

Thanks again for a great performance…”


Tracey Wickersham
Kent Parks and Recreation

“…My husband and I heard you at the Tanglewood Nature Center here in Elmira and we thoroughly enjoyed every second of music! We purchased your ‘Hearts of Gold’ CD, and wish we had purchased more. Jennifer, my 14 year old daughter, plays it quite often (even in front of her friends!)…”


Mary and Gerry Curns

“…It was great to see you last Monday at the Institute of Musical Traditions concert in Silver Spring, MD. I Enjoyed your music, your songs, and your singing. I am glad that I saw you at the Philadelphia Folk Festival, which led me to see you again here, and I am looking forward to seeing you again on your next visit…”


Jim Stahler

“…Thank you for yet another wonderful program. We all thoroughly enjoyed your performance…”


June Anderson
California Academy of Sciences

“…My husband and I had a wonderful evening listening to you two when you were here in Winston-Salem several weeks ago…you were great and we hope you’ll be back…”

Thanks so much,

Page Lowry