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Here is a quick access list of all of our recorded songs. If you are looking for the lyrics to any song off of any song we've ever recorded you can find them by clicking on the song title.




Songs from Set of the Sail

Set of Sail cover


Go From my Window
Northern Tide
The Trawling Trade
Mother Dinah
The Dreadnaught
Tom Bowling
Jack Tar Ashore
The Handsome Cabin Boy
Fire Down Below
Rolling Down to Old Maui

Songs from Seven Seas


High Barbaree
Oh Mary, Come Down!
The Mary Stanford of Rye
Billy Boy
The Packet Rat
Cheerily Man
The Wild Goose Shanty
Heaven's a Bar


Songs from White Horses

Cape Cod Girls
Davy Lowston
Jack the Jolly Tar
Bring 'em Down
One More Day
Johnny Todd
Pique la Baleine
White Horses (are calling me)
Across the Western Ocean
Leave Her Johnny
The Sea

Songs from Hearts of Gold

Hearts of Gold
C'est L'Aviron
The Pump Shanty
Companioned By the Sea
London Julies
The Wreck of the Lady Washington
Homeward Bound
Hob Y Derri Dando
The Wreckers
The Bay of Biscay
Sail Away
The Essequibo River

Songs from Making Waves

The Anchor Song
Congo River
The African Trade
An Ex-Sailor's Life
Swallow the Anchor
The Herzogin Cecile
The Whale
La Paimpolaise
Sou' Spain
Rolling Down to Rio
Pull Down Lads

Songs from Port of Dreams

The Saltpetre Shanty
Tow Rope Girls
Inside Every Sailor
Heave, Boys, Away
The Gallant Frigate Amphitrite
Harbo & Samuelson
John Damaray
The Female Rambling Sailor
Hooker John

Songs from Round the Corner

John Riley

Come Down to Hilo
Marguerite - McHugh's Jig
(click to listen to the MP3 file) Round the Corner Sally
The Beaches of Lukannon
(click to listen to the MP3 file) Sugar in the Hold
The Tryphina's Extra Hand
Haul on the Bowline
The Sailboat Malarkey

Songs from When I See Winter Return

The January Man
Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Quant Je Voi Yver Retorner
The Trees Are All Bare
The Woodcutter's Song
Over the Hill and Over the Dale
I Saw Three Ships
Ring in the New Year (Ring It In)
Auld Lang Syne

Songs from Hartwell Horn
Captain Grant
'Twas in the Pleasant Month of May
L'Orsque J'Etais Jeune Fille
It Was a Lover and His Lass
I Went to the Market to Buy a Cock
The Widow and the Devil
The White Cockade
Simon the King
Dido Bendigo
Johnny Sands
Reynard the Fox
Sing Ho to the Green Wood

Songs from Change of Fortune

Lady Franklin's Lament
The Rocky Road To Dublin
The Gull
The Rosabella
The Yankee
Just the Motion
Paddy Lay Back
Bring 'Em Down
A Man's A Man For A' That