William Pint & Felicia Dale

Celebrating the ocean in song


The Woodcutter’s Song

traditional English

Oak logs will warm you well
That are old and dry
Logs of pine will sweetly smell,
But the sparks will fly
Birch logs will burn too fast,
Chestnut’s scarce at all, sir
And hawthorn logs are known to last
That are cut down in the fall, sir

Surely you will find
There’s none compare with the hardwood logs
That are cut in winter time, sir

Holly logs will burn like wax
You can burn them green
Elm logs burn like smoldering flax
With no flame to be seen
Beech logs for winter time,
Yew logs as well, sir
Green alder logs it is a crime
For any man to sell, sir

Surely you will find
There’s none compare with the hardwood logs
That are cut in winter time, sir

Pear logs and apple logs,
They will scent your room
Cherry logs across the dogs
Smell like flowers in bloom
But ash logs, old and grey,
Buy them green or old, sir
And buy up all that come your way,
For they’re worth their weight in gold, sir

Surely you will find
There’s none compare with the hardwood logs
That are cut in winter time, sir

Over the Hill and Over the Dale

J.M. Neale

Over the hill and over the dale
Came three kings together
Caring naught for snow and hail
Cold and wind and weather
Now on Persia’s sandy plane
Now where Tigris swells with rain
They their camels tether
Now through Syrian lands they go
Now through Moab faint and slow
Now o’r Edam’s heather

Over the hill and over the dale
Each king bears a present
Wise men go a child to hale
Monarchs seek a peasant
And in front a star proceeds
Over rocks and rivers leads
Shines with beams incessant
Therefore onward, onward still
Ford the stream and climb the hill
Love makes all things pleasant

He is God ye go to meet
Therefore incense proffer
He is king ye go to greet
Gold is in your coffer
Also man he comes to share
Every woe that man can bear
Tempter, railer, scoffer
Therefore now against the day
In the grave when him they lay
Myrrh ye also offer

Over the hill and over the dale,
Riding east together
Caring naught for snow and hail,
Naught for wind and weather
Warned by God from Herod’s door,
Each king turns for home once more
Hearts and footsteps lighter,
Now behind them shines the star
Which they followed from afar,
Shining ever brighter

I Saw Three Ships


I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning

The Virgin Mary and Christ were there
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
The Virgin Mary and Christ were there
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day

I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day

I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning

Pray whither sailed those ships all three?
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
Pray whither sailed those ships all three?
On Christmas Day in the morning

O, they sailed into Bethlehem
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
O, they sailed into Bethlehem
On Christmas Day in the morning

I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning

And all the bells on earth shall ring
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
And all the bells on earth shall ring
On Christmas Day in the morning

And all the angels in heaven shall sing
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
And all the angels in heaven shall sing
On Christmas Day in the morning

Then let us all rejoice amain
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
Then let us all rejoice amain
On Christmas Day in the morning

I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day
I Saw Three Ships Come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning

Ring in the New Year (Ring It In)

© Hermann

Ring it in ring in the new year
Ring it in ring in the new year

Bells are ringing
Bells are ringing

Peace and love throughout the whole year
Peace and love throughout the whole year

Joy Joy Joy
Joy Joy Joy

Auld Lang Syne

Robert Burns

We twa have wandered o’er the braes
And pulled the gowans fine
We’ve wandered many’s the weary foot
Since auld lang syne

Since auld lang syne,
Since auld lang syne
We’ve wandered many’s the weary foot
Since auld lang syne

And we twa have waded in the burne
From morning sun til die’n
But seas between us broad have roared
Since auld lang syne

Since auld lang syne,
Since auld lang syne
But seas between us broad have roared
Since auld lang syne

And here’s a hand my trusted friend
And give us a hand of thine
We’ll take and raise the friendship cup
For auld lang syne

For auld lang syne,
For auld lang syne
We’ll take and raise the friendship cup
For auld lang syne

Should Auld aquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should Auld aquaintance be forgot
And days of Auld Lang Syne?

For auld lang syne,
For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For Auld Lang Syne.

When I see winter again



The January Man

Dave Goulder

The January man he walks the road
In woolen coat and boots of leather
The February man still shakes the snow
From off his hair and blows his hands
The man of March he sees the Spring and
Wonders what the year will bring
And hopes for better weather

Through April rains the man comes down
To watch the birds come in to share the summer
The man of May stands very still
Watching the children dance away the day
In June the man inside the man is young
And wants to lend a hand
And grins at each new color

And in July the man in cotton shirt
He sits and thinks on being idle
The August man in thousands take the road
To watch the sea and find the sun
September man is standing near
To saddle up another the year
And Autumn is his bridle

The man of new October takes the reins
And early frost is on his shoulder
The poor November man sees fire and rain
And snow and mist and wintery gale
December man looks through the snow
To let eleven brothers know
They’re all a little older

And the January man comes round again
In woolen coat and boots of leather
To take another turn and walk along
the icy road he knows so well
For the January man is here for
Starting each and every year
Along the road for ever

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day


Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
I would my true love did so chance
To see the legend of my birth
To call my true love to my dance
Sing Oh my love, my love, my love, my love
This have I done for my true love

Then was I born of a virgin pure
From her I took fleshly substance
Thus was I knit to man's nature
To call my true love to my dance
Sing Oh my love, my love, my love, my love
This have I done for my true love

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
I would my true love did so chance
To see the legend of my birth
To call my true love to my dance
Sing Oh my love, my love, my love, my love
This have I done for my true love

In a manger laid and wrapped was I
So very poor it was my chance
Between an ox and a silly old ass
To call my true love to my dance
Sing Oh my love, my love, my love, my love
This have I done for my true love

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
I would my true love did so chance
To see the legend of my birth
To call my true love to my dance
Sing Oh my love, my love, my love, my love
This have I done for my true love

Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming

traditional German

Lo, how a rose e’er blooming
From tender stem has sprung
Of Jessie’s lineage coming
As men of old have sung
It came a flower bright
Amid the cold of winter
When half spent was the night

Issiah was foretold it
The rose I have in mind
With Mary we behold it
The Virgin Mother kind
To show God’s love aright
She bore to man a savior
When half spent was the night

Quant Je Voi Yver Retorner

traditional French with additional lyrics by Annette Brigham

Quant je voi yver retorner,
Lors me voudroie sejorner,
Se je pooie oste trover,
Large qui ne vousist conter.

Qu’e ust porc et buef et mouton,
Mas larz faisanz, et venoison,
Grasses gelines et chapons,
Et bons fromages en glaon.

Quant je voi yver retorner,
Lors me voudroie sejorner,
Se je pooie oste trover,
Large qui ne vousist conter.

Contre le vent, je chanterai;
Je jouerai vielle et sifflet,
Mandoline et tambourin,
Sans arret, du soir au matin!

Quant je voi yver retorner,
Lors me voudroie sejorner,
Se je pooie oste trover,
Large qui ne vousist conter.

Contre le noir je raconterai,
Histoire d’amour, histoire de joie;
Je chasserai l’hiver sans peine,
Pour voir printemps ensoleille.

The Trees Are All Bare

traditional English

The trees are all bare, not a leaf to be seen
And the meadows their beauty have lost.
Now winter has come and ’tis cold for man and beast,
And the streams they are,
And the streams they are all fast bound down with frost.

’Twas down in the farmyard where the oxen feed on straw,
They send forth their breath like the steam.
Sweet Betsy the milkmaid now quickly she must go,
For flakes of ice she finds,
For flakes of ice she finds a-floating on her cream.

’Tis now all the small birds to the barn-door fly for food
And gently they rest on the spray.
A-down the plantation the hares do search for food,
And lift their footsteps sure,
Lift their footsteps sure for fear they do betray.

Now Christmas is come and our song is almost done
For we soon shall have the turn of the year.
So fill up your glasses and let your health go round,
For I wish you all,
For I wish you all a joyful New Year.