William Pint & Felicia Dale

Celebrating the ocean in song



words traditional/melody Tim Laycock

Clouds are upon the summer sky
There’s thunder in the wind
Pull on pull on and homeward high
Ne’er give one look behind

Row on, row on

Another day may shine

With brighter light
Ply, ply the oars and pull away
There’s dawn beyond the night

Bear where thou goest the words of love
Say all that words can say
Changeless affections strength to prove
But speed upon the way

Like yonder river would I glide
To where my heart would be
My bark should soon outsail the tide
That hurries to the sea

But yet a star shines constant still
Through yonder cloudy sky
And hope as bright my bosom fills
From faith that cannot die

Row on, row on

Another day may shine

With brighter light
Ply, ply the oars and pull away
There’s dawn beyond the night

Row on, row on god speed the way
Thou must not linger here
Storms hang about the closing day
Tomorrow may be clear

Row on, row on

Another day may shine

With brighter light
Ply, ply the oars and pull away
There’s dawn beyond the night



Lift him up and carry him along
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
Ease him down and let him lay,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
Screw him in and there he'll stay.
Fire Maringo, fire him away!

Stow him in his hold below,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
One more turn and away he’ll go
Fire Maringo, fire him away!

When I get back to Liverpool Town,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
I'll throw a line to little Sally Brown.
Fire Maringo, fire him away!

Oh, Sally, she's a pretty little craft,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
Cut sharp to the fore
and rounded in the aft.
Fire Maringo, fire him away!

We’ll haul her high and haul her low,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
We’ll bust her blocks and away we’ll go.
Fire Maringo, fire him away!

Screw the cotton and screw him down,
Fire Maringo, fire him away!
Let's get the hell back to Liverpool town
Fire Maringo, fire him away!



Oh the vows, oh the breezes,

vows and breezes fade away

Willy Taylor and his youthful lover
Full of mirth and loyalty
They were going to the church

to be married
He was pressed and sent on sea

She dressed herself up like a sailor
On her breast she wore a star
Her beautiful fingers long and slender,
She gave them all just a smear of tar

On this ship there being a skirmish
She being one amongst the rest
A silver button flew off her jacket
There appeared her snow white breast

Says the captain to this fair maid
“What misfortune has took you here?”
"I'm in search of my true lover
Whom you pressed on the other year"

"If you're in search of your true lover
Pray come tell to me his name"
"Willy Taylor they do call him
But Fitzgerald is his name"

"Let you get up tomorrow morning
Early as the break of day
There you'll find your Willy Taylor
Walking along with his lady gay"

She got up the very next morning
Early as the break of day
There she spied her Willy Taylor
Walking along with his lady gay

She drew out a brace of pistols
That she had at her command
There she shot her Willy Taylor
With his bride at his right hand

When the captain came to hear it
Of the deed that she had done
He made her a ship's commander
Over a vessel for the Isle of Man

Now she’s on the deck a walking
sword and pistol in her hand
and whenever she gives orders
sailors tremble at her command



Shiny O is the Captn's daughter 

Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh
For her I'm sailing over the water
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Queenstown to Dover is hundred miles or over

Way - Hey -- Shiny -O
Queenstown to Dover is a hundred miles or over
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Capt, Capt, I love your daughter

Way - Hey -- Shiny -Oh
Captain, Captain, I love your daughter
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Won't you ferry me over to Dover?

Way - Hey - Shiny -Oh
Won't you ferry me over to Dover?
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Captn, Captn, How deep is the water?

Way - Hey - Shiny O
She measures one inch, six feet and a quarter
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Rivers, rivers rivers are a rollin’

Way - Hey - Shiny -O
Rivers are a' rollin’ and I can't get over
Way - Hey  Shiny -Oh

Hens and chickens are flyin’ over

Way - Hey - Shiny -O
When she pitches, she pitches into Dover
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh

Shiny O is the Captn's daughter

Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh
For her I'm sailing over the water
Way - Hey --- Shiny -Oh


© Rita Connolly

He was singing about Valparaiso
singing as though in a dream
white sandy beaches

and warm gentle breeze
palm trees that reach

to the blue southern seas
and… he… sang…

"Valparaiso, Valparaiso
when will the wind

blow me down there again?
Valparaiso, Valparaiso
softened the heart

of a hard hearted man."

He was singing of days on the ocean
of trade winds and rounding the horn
fair wind and foul winds

of hard work and ease
friends found and lost

on the great southern seas
(and he sang)

We all sat in that hushed smokey tavern
as winter winds raged round the door
ears keen and listening and eyes far away
wishing that we could all go there

some day

and we sang:


W.T. Wrighton

It's been years since last we met,
We may never meet again.
I have struggled to forget
But the struggle was in vain.
For her voice lives on the breeze,
And her spirit comes at will,
In the midnight on the seas,
Her bright smile haunts me still.
In the midnight on the seas
Her bright smile haunts me still.

At the first sweet dawn of light,
When I gaze upon the deep,
Her form still greets my sight
While the stars their vigils keep.
When I close my aching eyes,
Sweet dreams my senses fill,
And from sleep when I arise
Her bright smile haunts me still.
And from sleep when I arise
Her bright smile haunts me still.

I have sailed 'neath alien skies,
I have charted a hazardous path,
I have seen the storm arise
Like a giant in his wrath.
Every danger I have known
That a reckless life can fill,
Yet her presence has not flown,
Her bright smile haunts me still.

—- Her presence has not flown,
Her bright smile haunts me still.

Collected from Eleazar Tillett and Martha Etheridge, 1951 by Frank and Anne Warner
This song was given to us by the Gallop sisters – Mrs. Tillett and Mrs. Etheridge.


Tom Russell

My name is Isaac Lewis; I'm an able-bodied man
On the ship the Royal Charter,
bound out for Van Diemen's Land.
Oh, the seas that took six months to cross,
we could now do in two,
So it's up that Mersey River, boys,

out of Liverpool we flew.

And some of us were sailors,

all hardy, young and bold,
And some of us were pioneers,

bound off to search for gold.
There were merchants and musicians,
Christian soldiers of the cross.
We stared into that foaming sea,
saw our dreams down in the froth.

And every night I dream a dream,
as the wind sweeps through the sails,
That I am in my father's house
back home in northern Wales,
And reaching for my father’s hand;
I say, "I love you very much,"
But the ship rolls over — the dream is drowned
before our fingers touch.
Sail on m’ boys; sail on m’boys and on and on and on,
for my name is Isaac Lewis and this shall be my song.

So we landed there in Botany Bay,
and the boys went on the town,
And I met a girl named Emma Gray;
I loved her up and down,
And I swore that I'd return for her,
just one more tour of sea,
For I had to see my father,
and tell him how much he’s meant to me.

So I kissed the lips of Emma Gray

and sailed for Liverpool,
And the parrots perched in the riggings, boys;
dolphins swam in schools,
And our trip it was a pleasant one
‘til we reached the coast of Wales.
Just one day out from Liverpool,
God unleashed a gale.

Good Lord! I've seen some squalls, me boys,
hurricanes at sea,
And many nights I'd rediscovered faith on bended knee,
But I never seen it blow so hard; we anchored her at last,
But the waves rolled o'er the top of us;
we had to cut the mast.

All the mining magnates clutched their gold,
believing they'd be saved,
But their bloody greed destroyed them first

beneath the angry waves.
The women and the children,  lost unto eternity!
Ah, man has tamed and shaped the land,

but he'll never tame the sea.

Every night I’d dreamed my dream,

as the wind swept through our sails,
And I am in my father's house

back home in northern Wales,
I reach out for my father’s hand;

I say, "I love you very much,"
But the ship rolls over — the dream is drowned

before our fingers touch


We were caught upon the rocks, me boys,

ten yards away from shore,
we could see men standing on the banks,

maybe three or more,
And I swear I saw my father waving at me

through the squall,
I screamed “Father, I am coming home”;

that's all that I recall.

For the waves they swept me overboard

with broken mast and sails,
And I drowned where as a child I'd fished

on the rocks of northern Wales,
And in three days time I washed up on

the whitened sandy shore,
Just a hundred yards from Moelfre

and my father's white oak door.

And some will cry coincidence, or say this can't be true.
I only say just tell your loved ones what they mean to you,
For ye may sail the sea of life, pursuing golden schemes,
Yet drown so closely to your home, the cradle of your dreams.


© Jennifer Cutting 2014,
Once and Future Songs, BMI

You have always loved to travel

on the wind and land and sea,
And you’ve seen so many places it can hardly be believed,
Now the place that you are going

we’ve seen only in our dreams,
Let our love keep you steady as you go.

Many hands make you ready, with a touch so sure and soft,          
Many strong arms to lift you, as you go aloft;
As you sail to Forever, where the wild waters flow,
Let our love keep you steady as you go.

Well it’s love that bids you stay here,

and love that bids you go;
In this port, it’s “fare thee well,” but in the next,

they’ll shout “Hullo!”
You could stay here in this harbor,

but that’s not what ships are for,
Let our love keep you steady as you go.

And I hope that you’ll forgive us any harm

we’ve brought to you,
And the joy’s what you’ll remember

when your journey here is through;
You will still be real as ever,

though you’ve sailed beyond our view, 
Let our love keep you steady as you go.

And the sorrow in your leaving,

may it open up our hearts
To the sorrow felt by others,

so that we can do our part;
As we comfort one another,

then the healing time will start,      
Let our love keep us steady as we go.

Many hands make you ready, with a touch so sure and soft,          
Many strong arms to lift you, as you go aloft;
As you sail to Forever, where the wild waters flow,
Let our love keep you steady as you go


© Cyril Tawney

Sally Free and Easy that should be her name

Sally Free and Easy that should be her name
She took a sailor's loving for a nursery game

Oh, the heart she gave me it was not made of stone

Oh, the heart she gave me it was not made of stone
It was sweet and hollow like a honeycomb

Think I'll wait until sunset, see the ensign down

Think I'll wait until sunset, see the ensign down
Then I'll take the tideway to my burying ground

Sally Free and Easy that should be her name

Sally Free and Easy that should be her name
When my body's landed hope she dies of shame


© Janie Meneely

Bunky he was waiting for a big old fish to strike
Day dreamin' 'bout women and the fight on Friday night
He hocked a loogie o'er the side and took another chew
When something starts to thrashing such as feisty fishes do
No sooner Bunky cocks his head, a female form appears
It's Nasty Nell, the mermaid, just as sure as Bud is beer
"Dammit, Captain," she pipes up,

"you snaggled my caboose.
I'll give you to the count of two to up and cut me loose."

"Hold on, Sister," Bunky sez, "I don't believe we've met.
Whyn't you just thrash until that hook is good and set,
And then I'll haul you up on deck and won't we have a time.
A salty gal such as yourself would prob'ly suit me fine."
Now Nelly ain't no beauty—I forgot to tell ya that.
Tattoos on her biceps, and barnacles up her back,
Seaweed sproutin' from her chest, a scar across her gut
And she cursed like any blue-nose

when she got her dander up:

"Go to hell!" sez Nasty Nell, a'stubbing her cigar
You're nothing but a lily-livered lousy lump o' lard
I'd jump the bones of Davy Jones or sit on Ahab's knee
Before I'd let the likes of you

lay your chiggered mitts on me

Bunky starts to chuckle, just to see the mermaid spit
And he settles in his deck chair so's to watch her pitch a fit.
"Tell me when you're tired, Luv," he sez to Nasty Nell.
"I don't want you all tuckered when I ring that party bell."

"Listen Buster" Nelly snaps, "this isn't any joke.
Piss me off and in a flash, I'll up and sink your boat."
"I love a spunky lady," Bunky answers with a grin,
And he grabs his fishing tackle

and he starts to crank her in.

"There, there," Bunky tells her, "No need to feel distraught.
All's fair in love and fishing, and you're the one got caught."
But Nelly held a mirror up and flashed it from her hand.
"I got Fifty bucks sez you ain't setting foot again on land."
With that she flapped her scaly tail

and jiggled loose that hook
She flipped old Bunk the finger and without a second look,
She dove down deep and swam away

without a pretty please
As Bunky felt the water start to swirl around his knees.

It's a lesson for the learning, for them's as would be wise.
Watch out for them there mermaids

what'll cut you down to size
They are the stuff of legends such as found in any book
Why, a mermaid, she can sink ya with a single dirty look!
There's countless songs and stories

though no witnesses survive
They don't appear inclined to leave us sailor boys alive
They'll flash that bloody mirror

and down in the sea you'll drop
Just ask our buddy Bunky  - next time he washes up.