William Pint & Felicia Dale

Celebrating the ocean in song


Pique la Baleine

Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la, la!
Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la, la!
Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la, la!
Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer 2x

Aux mille mers j.ai navigue,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Aux mille mers j.ai navigue,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Aux mers du Nord et mers du Sud...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Aux mers du Nord et mers du Sud...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer.

Je l.ai retrouvee quand j.m.ai noye...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Je l.ai retrouvee quand j.m.ai noye...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Dans les grands fonds elle m.esperait...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Dans les grands fonds elle m.esperait...
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer.

Tout deux ensemble on a pleure
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Tout deux ensemble on a pleure
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Tout deux ensemble on a couche
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Tout deux ensemble on a couche
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer.

Aux mille mers j.ai navigue,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Aux mille mers j.ai navigue,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la, la!
Pour retrouver ma douce amie,
Oh, mes boues, ooh la, ooh la la!
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer.
Pique la baleine, joli baleinier,
Pique la baleine, je veux naviguer.

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White Horses Are Calling Me
Brian Bedford

White horses are calling me
To ride on the tide to the wide open sea
Spurred by the wind and tamed by the moon
I will ride the white horses
Ride the white horses
I'll ride the white horses soon.

No sailor am I for the city's my place
But still I would feel the salt wind on my face
Watching stallions that silently race to the sands
Pounding moonlight and starlight
lit shimmering lands

White horses are calling me
to ride on the tide to the wide open sea
spurred by the wind and tamed by the moon
I will ride the white horses
ride the white horses
I'll ride the white horses soon.

Every path seems to lead to the quay that's inside
And there take the ebb tide to where I would ride
Seeking dreams of adventure contented and free
Scanning endless horizons; the stars and the sea

Where white horses are calling me-
To ride on the tide to the wide open sea
Spurred by the wind and tamed by the moon -
I will ride the white horses
Ride the white horses -
I'll ride the white horses soon.

This sea has no danger, this ocean no threat
For safe on my pillow brave dreams I'll forget
Still in moonlight closed eye light
they run for the shore
And I'll ride the white horses once more

White horses are calling me
To ride on the tide to the wide open sea
Spurred by the wind and tamed by the moon
I will ride the white horses
Ride the white horses
I'll ride the white horses soon.

Yes white horses are calling me
To ride on the tide to the wide open sea
Spurred by the wind and tamed by the moon
I will ride the white horses
Ride the white horses
I'll ride the white horses soon.

I will ride the white horses
Ride the white horses
I'll ride the white horses soon.
I'll ride the white horses soon.

Across the Western Ocean

Oh the times were hard and the wages low
Amelia, where you bound to?
The Rocky Mountains will be my new home
Across the Western Ocean

A land of promise it will be
Amelia, where you bound to?
I'm bound away across the sea
Across the Western Ocean

I'm bound away from friends and home
Amelia, where you bound to?
I'm bound away to search for the gold
Across the Western Ocean

Beware those packet ships I say
Amelia, where you bound to?
They'll take your goods and they'll sail away
Across the Western Ocean

Wives and sweethearts don't you cry
Amelia, where you bound to?
Sons and daughters wave goodbye
Across the Western Ocean

Oh the times were hard and the wages low
Amelia, where you bound to?
The Rocky Mountains will be my new home
Across the Western Ocean

Leave her, Johnny

I thought I heard the old man say
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
You can go ashore and collect your pay
And it's time for us to leave her

You can go ashore and collect your gear
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
And leave her docked at the west street pier
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

Oh the winds were foul and the seas ran high
She shipped it green and none went by

Oh the winds were foul and the work was hard
From the Liverpool docks to the Brooklyn yard

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

There was rotten meat and weevilly bread
You can pump or die the old man said

Oh the winds were foul and the trip was long
But before we go we will sing this song

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

Oh the times were hard and the wages low
But Now once more ashore we'll go

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

The Sea
Brian Leo

On a cold October day
in the merry month of May
I was squinting through the sunlight
just to watch the raindrops play
'twas the day I left me home
that dear place I'd never known
As with thirty friends I started off alone

Well me schoolin' all was done,
so as silent as a gun
I slipped out and headed westward
into the rising summer sun
I was running off to sea,
there a farmer for to be
While my dad and widowed
mother sang a tune

They sang:
The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The adventuring life for me (Yo - ho)
Where never you find a day
of tears and sorrow (Tell me boys!)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
No better place to be (Yo - ho)
And I'll never return to shore
until tomorrow (Yao!!)

As an able-bodied man
I signed on with captain Dan
Who was hunting for the whale fish
in the mountains of Japan
Well our ship had no harpoons
so we used our wooden spoons
And our bait dropped
from an ironclad balloon
Now one day I got me wish
and I hooked that giant fish
And I flipped him over my shoulder
onto the captain's supper dish
Well the captain tapped a keg
and he tore me off a leg
And we sang beneath
the blistering April moon

we sang:

The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The adventuring life for me (Yo - ho)
Where never you find a day
of tears and sorrow (Tell me boys!)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
No better place to be (Yo - ho)
And I'll never return to shore
until tomorrow (Yao!!)

In a pub in Tokyo
where the river Shannon flows
I bid captain Dan "Aloha"
it was time for me to go
Well he smiled and said "Me boy,
here's a gift you should enjoy."
His own broadsword
made of finest corduroy
Then we parted without tears
after fifty seven beers
And I rowed my way to Ireland
in an hour and a year
Where me mom and me sisters three,
each an only child like me
Danced a jig while father
strummed his old bassoon

we sang:
The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The adventuring life for me (Yo - ho)
Where never you find a day
of tears and sorrow (Tell me boys!)
The Sea, (The Sea)
The Sea, (The Sea)
No better place to be (Yo - ho)
And I'll never return to shore
until tomorrow (Yao!!)

White Horses


Cape Cod Girls

Cape Cod girls don't use no combs;,
Haul away, boys, haul away.
They comb their hair with cod fish bones.
Bound away for Australia!

So heave her up my bully boys.
Haul away, boys, haul away.
Heave her up, don't you make a noise
Bound away for Australia!

Cape Cod kids they've got no sleds,
They slide down hills on cod fish heads.

Cape Cod ladies don't need no frills,
They're pretty and light as codfish gills.

I Made my way all around the world
Just to raise my glass to the Cape Cod girls

Davy Lowston

Me name was Davy Lowston,
I did seal, I did seal
Me name was Davy Lowston, I did seal
Though me men and I were lost,
though our very lives it cost,
We did seal,

Our captain John McGraw,
he did seal, he did seal
Oh, yes, for old Port Stanley, he set sail
"I'll return, men, without fail",
but he foundered in the gale,
And went down.

We were set down in open bay
we were set down, were set down
Set down in open bay,
we were set down
We were lost, my gallant men,
nevermore to sail again,

So come all you lads who venture far from home
far from home
So come all you lads who venture far from home
Where the icebergs tower high,
That's a pitiful place to die,
Never seal.

Me name was Davy Lowston, I did seal, I did seal
Me name was Davy Lowston, I did seal
Though me men and I were lost,
We did seal.

Jack the Jolly Tar

I am Jack and a Jolly Tar-oh
I've lately come from the sea so far-oh
Oh I am Jack and a Jolly Tar
Lately come from the sea so far
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

As I came out of London city
I found myself all in great pity
For I heard em say as I pass by
This night poor Jack in the streets must lie
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

A squire courted for his fancy
A merchant's daughter whose name was Nancy
And I heard em again as I pass by
This night they together for to lie
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

(now he says)
"You tie a bit of string all around your finger
And let it dangle out of the window
And I'll come by and I'll pull that string
And you'll come down and you'll let me in"
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

"Damn me" says Jack "if I don't venture
To pull that string hanging from her window"
So Jack come by and he pulled that string
And she's come down and she let him in
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

Next morning when this maid awakened
She seemed like one who was much forsaken
For there was Jack in his old shirt
Covered all over in with tar and dirt
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

Says she "Now Jack how came you here oh?
You've robbed me of my squire I fear-oh."
"Oh no, says Jack, I just pulled the string
and you came down and you let me in."
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

Then the squire came by all in a passion
Saying "Curse all women throughout this nation.
For there is not one that will prove true
And if there is well there's very few."
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

(She says)
"Well if this be so then it makes no matter
For Jack is the lad I will follow after
For I do love Jack as I love me life
And I do intend to become Jack's wife."
Fa la-la do, fal la-la der-oh
Right fa la-la do

Janie Meneely

When the boats all get to sailing
and the men are off and gone
What about the women
who are up and left alone?
Do you think they sit and twiddle thumbs
until their men come home?
Oh there's other things to twiddle
when a girl's left on her own.

Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
Well it's lots of times a man will leave you
broken with dismay
Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
There's others willin' to twiddle
when your man is gone away

I remember Nelly,
she was young and she was gay.
She won the heart of Captain Dan
but then he sailed away.
He left her high and dry
with just a kiss upon the chin
But as his ship went sailing out
another ship sailed in.

And then there was Lucinda Brown
as fair as any maid.
Her true love he went a voyaging,
a sailor man by trade.
"Keep the fire burning, love,"
those were the words he spoke.
So she found herself another man
to keep the fire stoked.

When Lucinda.s man came back
and knocked upon her door
She was as glad to see him
as she'd ever been before.
He left her sleeping in her bed
but Lucy didn't care
'Course the poor guy in the closet
sure could use a little air.

Oh you hear a lot of stories
'bout the sailors and their sport.
About how every sailor
has a girl in every port.
But if you'd added two and two
you'd figure out right quick
That it's just because the lassies
have a lad on every ship.

Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
Well it's lots of times a man will leave you
broken with dismay
Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
There's others willin' to twiddle
when your man is gone away

Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
Well it's lots of times a man will leave you
broken with dismay
Oh, it's twiddley ai dee ai dee o,
twiddley ai dee ay
There's other Willie's willin' to twiddle
when your Willie's gone away.

Bring ’Em Down

In Liverpool I was born
London is my home from home
Learned my trade on the Blackball Line
They’re never a day behind their time
It’s around Cape Stiff we go
Fightin’ on through the ice and snow
Along the coast to Valipo’
Northward to Callio
Bring ’em Down

Callio girls I do adore
They’ll take it all and ask for more
Callio girls with their long black hair
They’ll rob you blind and strip you bare
When I was young and in my prime
I’d take them flash girls two at a time
Now I’m old and turning grey
And rum’s my sweetheart every day
Bring ’em Down

We’re in Desolation Bay
Hangin’ around from day to day
Blow you winds long may you blow
Rise up y’ bugger and let us go
All the way to Liverpool
Spend my money like a bloody fool
Spend my money in a week on shore
Then go to sea and grab for more
Bring ’em Down

I’m Liverpool born and bred
Thick in the arm, boys and thick in the head
Rock and roll me over boys
Let’s get this damn job over boys
Bring ’em Down

One More Day

One more day, Johnny, one more day
(one more day - Johnny one more day)
One more day - Johnny one more day
(one more day - Johnny one more day)

Can't you hear the wind a-howlin' Johnny?
One more day
Can't you hear the mate a growlin' Johnny?
One more day

Can't you hear the pilot bawlin' Johnny?
There's an end to all your haulin'.

Can't you hear the capstan pawlin' Johnny?
One more day
Don't you hear the girls a- callin' Johnny?
One more day

Only one more day - Johnny one more day
oh rock 'n' roll me over - one more day

So put on your long tail blues Johnny
One more day
Oh your pay day's nearly due Johnny
One more day

Only one more day - Johnny one more day
oh rock 'n' roll me over - one more day

We're homeward bound today Johnny
One more day
Make your port and take your pay Johnny
One more day

Only one more day - Johnny one more day
oh rock 'n' roll me over - one more day
Only one more day - Johnny one more day
oh rock 'n' roll me over - one more day

One more day my Johnny, one more day

Johnny Todd

Johnny Todd he took a notion
For to sail the ocean wide
And he left his love behind him
Walking by the Liverpool tide

Seven weeks she wept in sorrow
Tore her hair and wrung her hands
Until she met a kindly sailor
Walking by the Liverpool strand

"Pretty maid, why are you weeping
For your Johnny gone to sea?
If you wed with me tomorrow
I will kind and constant be".

"I will buy you sheets and blankets
I'll buy you a wedding ring
You shall have a golden cradle
For to rock your baby in".

All you lads who go a sailing
For to fight the foreign foe
Do not leave your love like Johnny
Marry her before you go.

Johnny Todd came home from sailing
Sailing on the ocean wide
And the love he left behind him
Was another sailor's bride