William Pint & Felicia Dale

Celebrating the ocean in song


Whiskey is the Life of Man 

Whiskey is the life of man,
Always been since time began
Whiskey hot, whiskey cold,
I'll drink it new, I'll drink it old

Whiskey Oh!  Johnnie Oh!
John rise 'er up from down below
Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey, oh
Up aloft this yard must go.
John, rise 'er up from
down below.

Whiskey here, whiskey there,
Oh, whiskey almost everywhere!

Keep your coffee, keep your tea
Whiskey is the drink for me.

Whiskey made me pawn me clothes,
Whiskey gave me this red nose.
Whiskey killed me poor ol' Dad,
Nearly drove me mother mad.

I thought I heard our first mate say,
I'll treat my crew in a decent way.
I’ll pour a glass for every hand,
And a bottle full for the shantyman.

whiskey up - whiskey down
whiskey all around the town
Keep yer rum -- keep yer beer
bring that whiskey bottle here
Thought I heard the old man say
Drink some whiskey every day
So here I am, I’ll take my stand
with a bottle of whiskey in each hand
I’ll tip it up and drink it down
I’ll stand ya whiskies all around
I’ll drink it every time I can
Whiskey is the life of man

Whiskey Oh!  Johnnie Oh!
John rise 'er up from down below
Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey, oh
Up aloft this yard must go.
John, rise 'er up from
down below.

John, rise 'er up from
down below

 The Brigantine 
© Janie Meneely

Ease ’er down,

two points off the starboard bow

See her topsails pulling

as she’s closing from the west

Dark as tar,

let’s pray she’s just some fishing scow

A night like this could sprout

a few more hairs upon your chest

It’s all hands on deck, now,

ready with the running gear

We’ll bring our head around

and we’ll damn well try to run

Friend or foe,

she’s got no reason being here

Cutting cross our bow

like some hellion on the run

Steady boys,

I can’t exactly make her out

Looks to be a brigantine,

I think I see her spars

Lively now,

we may just have to come about

I wish to Hell they’d show a light

and tell us who they are

She’s got her royals flying

with the wind right off her quarterdeck

Here we’re barely making way 

with zephyrs from the north

For all the years we’ve been at sea

or been around the water,

heck, I think we’re seeing something

we ain’t never seen before

The old timers tell us

all about the specter ships they’ve seen

We just sit and listen

and we hide our guffaws in our sleeve

Tonight might make us wonder

just what it is we do believe

Can you see?

There’s someone standing at the wheel

Looks to be the starlight

reflecting from his eyes

Big as life—and laughing

like he’s fit to kill . . 

Did anybody notice?

There ain’t no stars tonight 

She’s got her royals flying

with the wind right off

her quarterdeck

Here we’re barely making way

with zephyrs to the north

For all the years we’ve been at sea

—or been around the water, heck

I think we’re seeing something

we ain’t never seen before

Watch her go--

did she even see us here?--

Prowling through the darkness

like some demon on the outs

Leave her go.

Let’s set our course for outta here

I’d just as soon not hang around

in case she comes about

It’s all hands on deck, now,

ready with the running gear

We’ll bring her head around

and we’ll damn well try to run

Friend or foe,

she’s got no reason being here

Cutting cross our bow like some 

hellion on the run

The old timers tell us

all about the specter ships they’ve seen

We just sit and listen

and we hide our guffaws in our sleeve

Tonight might make us wonder

just what it is we do believe

 Shanghai Passage 
C Fox Smith

“Shanghai” Brown, “Shanghai” Brown!

The Skipper of the Harvest Moon is rampin’ round the town

Looking for some sailormen to beg or steal or borrow-

Can’t get a crew an’ he wants to sail tomorrow!’

‘Prime seamen’s very scarce just now- but where’s his money down,

An I’ll see what I can do for him’, says “Shanghai” Brown

“Shanghai” Brown, “Shanghai” Brown,

He’s sent his touts an’ runners out all around the town;

He’s raked in men both high and low, he’s got both black and white;

He’s got the Lauderdale’s port watch that only berthed last night;

He’s got a brace of farmhands with the hayseeds in their hair;

He’s got a bridegroom and best man, for what does “Shanghai” care?

An’ he’s shipped ‘em in the Harvest Moon, the toughest packet goin’,

That never gets a sailor man to sign aboard her, knowin’,

With a hardcase drivin’ skipper, an a bull-voiced bucko mate,

By the Shanghai Passage from the Golden Gate

They’ll be wonderin’ in the mornin’ what it was they drank last night;

They’ll be wonderin’ what’s hit ‘em if they show an ounce of fight;

They'll be scoffin’ seaboot duff, they’ll be suppin’ handspike gruel,

An’ dodgin’ the belayin’-pins, and cursin’ Shanghai cruel;

But there’s one won’t wake or wonder, nor scoff no grub at all,

Nor drag his achin’ bones along to tally on the fall’

Nor jump to please the toughest mate New England ever bred,

Not stand no trick, nor lookout - an’ for why? Because he’s dead!

“Shanghai” Brown, “Shanghai” Brown!

The Skipper of the Harvest Moon is rampin’ round the town

Looking for some sailormen to beg or steal or borrow-

Can’t get a crew an’ he wants to sail tomorrow!’

‘Prime seamen’s very scarce these days!’, says “Shanghai” Brown,

So he’s took an’ shipped a corpse away, has “Shanghai” Brown,

By the Shanghai Passage,

outer ‘Frisco Town!

 Mother Carey 
John Masefield

Mother Carey? 

She’s the mother o’ the witches

‘N’ all them sort o’ rips;

She’s a fine gell to look at,

but the hitch is,

She’s a sight too fond of ships;

She lives upon an iceberg

to the norred,

‘N’ her man he’s Davy Jones,

‘N’ she combs the weeds upon her

forred With pore drowned

sailors’ bones.

She’s the mother o’ the wrecks,

‘N’ the mother

Of all big winds as blows;

She’s up to some deviltry or other
When it storms, or sleets, or snows;

The noise of the wind’s her screamin’,

‘I’m arter a plump, young, fine, Brass-buttoned, beefy-ribbed young seam’n

So as me ‘n’ my mate kin dine.’

She’s a hungry old rip ‘n’ a cruel

For sailor-men like we,

She’s give a many mariners the gruel

‘N’ a long sleep under sea;

She’s the blood o’ many a crew upon her

‘N’ the bones of many a wreck,

‘N’ she's barnacles a-growin’ on her

‘N’ shark's teeth round her neck.

I ain’t never had no schoolin’

Nor read no books like you,

But I knows ‘t ain’t healthy

to be foolin’

With that there gristly two;

You’re young, you thinks,

‘N’' you’re lairy,

But if you’re to make old bones,

Steer clear, I says, o’ Mother Carey,

‘N’ that there Davy Jones.

The Anchor Song
Rudyard. Kipling

Heh! Walk her round. 

Heave, ah, heave her short again! 

Over, snatch her over, there 

and hold her on the pawl. 

Loose all sail, and brace your yards 

aback and full - 

Ready jib to pay her off

and heave short all!

Well, ah, fare you well; we can stay

no more with you, my love - 

Down, set down your liquor 

and your girl from off your knee; 

For the wind has come to say: 

‘You must take me while you may, 

If you’d go to Mother Carey 

(Walk her round to Mother Carey!) 

Oh, we’re bound to Mother Carey 

where she feeds her chicks at sea!’

Hey! Walk her round. 

Break, ah, break it out o’ that! 

Break our starboard bower out 

apeak, awash and clear! 

Port, port she casts 

with her harbour mud

beneath her foot. 

And that’s the last o’ bottom 

we shall see this year!

Well, ah, fare you well 

for we’ve got to take her out again - 

Take her out in ballast 

riding light and cargo free. 

And it’s time to clear and quit 

When the hawser grips the bitt, 

So we’ll pay you with the foresheet 

and a promise from the sea!

We’re off to Mother Carey 

(Walk her round to Mother Carey). 

Oh, we’re bound for Mother Carey 

where she feeds her chicks at sea!

Hey! Tally on. 

Aft and walk away with her! 

Handsome to the cathead now; 

Oh, tally on the fall! 

Stop, seize and fish, 

and easy on the davit-guy. 

Up, well up the fluke of her,

and inboard haul!

Well, ah, fare you well, 

for the Channel wind’s took hold of us, 

Choking down our voices 

as we snatch the gaskets free, 

And it’s blowing up for night, 

And she’s dropping light on light, 

And she’s snorting and she’s snatching 

for a breath of open sea!

We’re off to Mother Carey 

(Walk her round to Mother Carey). 

Oh, we’re bound for Mother Carey 

where she feeds her chicks at sea!

Wheel, full and by; 

but she’ll smell her road alone tonight. 

Sick she is and harbour-sick - 

oh, sick to clear the land! 

Roll down to Brest 

with the old Red Ensign over us - 

Carry on and thrash her out 

with all she’ll stand!

Well, ah, fare you well, 

and it’s Ushant slams the door on us, 

Whirling like a windmill 

through the dirty scud to lee, 

Till the last, last flicker goes 

From the tumbling water-rows, 

We’re off to Mother Carey 

(Walk her round to Mother Carey). 

Oh, we’re bound for Mother Carey 

where she feeds her chicks at sea!


Our packet is the Island Lass
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low
There’s a laddie howlin’ at the main topmast

It’s a bully ship and a bully crew

And we’re the gang for to kick ‘er through

Our skipper hails from Barbados
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low
He’s got the name Old Hammertoes

He feeds us bread as hard as brass

Our meat’s as salt as Lot’s wife’s ass
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low -
lowlands low

There’s a monkey rigged in sailor’s clothes
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low
Where he got them from God only knows

Round Cape Stiff we’re bound to go

Round Cape Horn through the ice and snow
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low -     lowlands low

We’ll haul her high and let her dry
Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low
We’ll trice her up into the sky

It’s up aloft this yard must go

Up aloft from down below


Thought I heard the old man say
Another pull and then belay
Lowlands me boys and up she goes
Get changed, m boys,to your shore goin’ clothes


 High Ground 
© Brian Bedford September 2002

There’s bad water flowing

Big river growing

Everyone’s going to high ground

Bad river racing

White water chasing

Time to be facing high ground


Bad weather coming

Big river humming

Everyone’s running to high ground

Black shrouds are shedding

Deep water spreading

Everyone heading for high ground

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Rain rain let me be

That waterfall is chasing me

Bad winds are waking

Big storms are breaking

Everyone's taking the high ground

Bad times arriving

Deep water diving

Everyone’s driving to high ground

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Rain rain let me be

That waterfall is chasing me

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Rain rain let me be

That waterfall is chasing

Waterfall is chasing

That waterfall is chasing me


Storm clouds are growing

Flash lightning glowing

Everyone’s going to high ground

Dark thoughts are weaving

Strange thoughts of grieving

Everyone leaving for high ground

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Rain rain let me be

That waterfall is chasing me

And there’s bad water flowing

Big river growing

Everyone’s going to high ground

Bad river racing

White water chasing

Time to be facing high ground

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Rain rain let me be

That waterfall is chasing me

Rolling Down the Bay to Julianna 

Emma, Emma let me be
Rolling down the bay to Julianna
Oh Miss Emma don’t you cry
Rolling down the bay to Julianna

Send Miss Emma to the crow
Wish I had that girl in tow

Windward girls are hard to beat
Haul boys on your ol’ mainsheet

Oh the dawning of the day
Haul away & get your pay

Windy Weather 

Haul away for the windy weather, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Haul away and pull together boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

Haul away for the wind she’s a blowin’ boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Haul away and let’s get ‘er goin’ boys
Haul away, boys, haul away 

Haul away like jolly young sailor boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Haul away for the merchants’ money boys
Haul away, boys, haul away 

God made the bees

and the bees made the honey, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
The devil made the women for to take all our money, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

God made the food
but the devil sent the cook, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
An’ the muck that he cooks
tastes worse than it looks, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

We’re rolling down to Cuba
for to load up sugar boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Find a Cuba gal I’m gonna
kiss and hug ‘er, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away 

Oh the packet’s now a
rollin’ down the river, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
As she rolls down see
her tops’ls shiver, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

An soon we’ll be in red hot Cuba, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Oh haul away and the wind ‘ll move ‘er, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

Haul away for finer weather, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Ooh, haul away for where
the weather’s better, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away

So Haul away and pull together boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
We will Haul away for that windy weather, boys
Haul away, boys, haul away
Haul away, boys, haul away

We will Haul away, boys, haul away